Ron Hutchinson Photography

Ron Hutchinson Photography
Images on this blog are NOT public domain. Copyright Ron Hutchinson Photography 2010 © all rights reserved.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Beach side blues!!!

Lighthouse at Tybee Island beach.sea oats and clouds swirl in afternoon breezeIMG_2487Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30
Shooting at an upward angle(from the sand!!) I managed to capture a very blue sky filled with swirling clouds along with sea oats swaying in the foreground.

Capture the movement !

Sea Oats blur with a evening sea breeze moments after sunset.Tybee Island,GAIMG_2095Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30
Shooting an exposure of 1/25 secs with wind and sunset, I was able to capture the movement and mood of swaying Sea Oats on the sand dunes.

Sunset Pink!!!

Tybee Island lighthouse at sunset. Tybee Island,GAIMG_2088Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30

A few minutes after sunset I captured this image...the sunset was actually pink and the breeze blowing combined with a long exposure helped to capture the movement of the sea oats in the foreground of the lighthouse.

Brown Pelican takeoff!!

Adult brown pelican in summer plumage takes flight from a piling at Tybee Island Beach.IMG_13966Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30

I had just arrived at Tybee beach and was setting up in the edge of the surf next to the jetties when this fellow plopped down on a piling in the water about 40 yards away. I just had time to take off my lens cap, turn on my camera, and focus on off three frames...this one caught my eye as he was foot off the piling towards sure flight. He still has his summer plumage.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

View from the blind!

The Blind!

Turned out to be a beautiful morning..but short and not very productive as far as image capture goes. Very quiet morning..nothing moving..but that's just how it goes sometime. Still enjoyed it!!! Had to leave the blind early so I could get on the road to Jacksonville,FL to pick up my son and his wife at the airport.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Well... I am headed out to set up in a deer blind in the morning well before daylight..setting up next to a clear-cut where a group of doe's and a few nice bucks have been cruising through feeding on early falling acorns. Hope to be able to capture some really nice images for the elusive portfolio. I will be slipping out of the blind about noon headed to Jacksonville, FL to pick up my son Dustin and his wife from the airport. They are coming home for a visit from Tuscon, AZ. Really looking forward to this long awaited reunion!!!

This Morning's shoot!!

White-Tailed Buck.Harris Neck Wildlife RefugeAvailable Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x24
Well.... I was up to my eyeballs in chiggers and ticks and managed to capture a spike crossing from a field into a thicket early this morning. He was only there for a brief moment. He had a broken left antler most likely it happened while he was still in velvet. Beautiful young deer. other images to come!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rise and Shine!!!

I plan to be up to my eyeballs in tall grass,chiggers,and ticks well before daylight in the morning...As if you haven't noticed, I have been spending a lot of time at Harris Neck because an osprey. well he has eluded me many times...still trying to get the shot I want of this fellow. Last weekend I was able to photograph a nice Barred Owl..hope to see him and a few more in the morning. It will be my first outing with the Canon EOS 7D, very fast camera, looking forward to checking it out!! I will be posting images here soon!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tribute To Aunt Bessie!!

Tribute to a solid foundation in my life who has made me the man I am today...Aunt Bessie Mae Lovell ...Feb 24 1925-Sept 13 2010. One of the Greatest Women I know...May you sing with the angels!!! I love You!!! You will be Greatly missed but never be forgotten.
With love and support that never wavered she was always there...when I needed getting on to, oh boy did I ever get it....she gave encouragement,long talks, guidance, inspiration, and she always believed in me matter what.
Aunt Bessie has traded this life for a much better one with her Lord Jesus,where she is young pain... no sorrow...for this is what she longed for, talked about, and tried to instill in the ones she loved so dearly. Aunt Bessie,I don't know how we are to go on without you here, but I do know that we will never really be without you because your wonderful memories will linger on all that you have blessed with your life.

Thank you and I love you!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Up and at em!!!

Here I was headed out for a scouting trip for "The Elusive" portfolio...Photo taken by Karen Hutchinson

Barred owl image taken during scouting trip.

A Barred Owl overlooks a fresh cut field early in the morning for prey.South Georgia.IMG_19643Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x24

During a scouting trip this morning for the "The Elusive" portfolio, I was able to capture an image of a Barred Owl perched in a pine tree that overlooked a freshly cut field. He was no doubt waiting for rodents to run across his path. My wife Karen was with me on this trip and spotted the owl before I did.

Friday, September 10, 2010

White-Tailed Deer Scouting Trip

I am in the process of working on a White-Tailed Deer Portfolio called "The Elusive".
This portfolio is very close to my heart because of my Love and obsession with the White-Tailed Deer.
The White-tailed Deer is a very interesting, cunning, and elusive animal and I have studied, hunted,and managed property for them for quite a few years.
The images I require for this portfolio must show the heart of the species, the elements, hardships of living in the wild, from doe to buck to fawn, and contain only deer of a completely wild nature. All deer are beautiful creatures but I want to photograph the ones who have had none to very little interaction with humans. Deer who are hunted hard or have never had human interference, with the latter being hard to find. This has been a project started in the spring of this year and will finish when I have the captures required to complete this portfolio. keep in touch for updates as I look forward to completing this for all to enjoy.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Little River Run Compilation

Little River's White water spray.Townsend, TennesseeIMG_1921 Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30

Sunlight breaks through the forest onto the Little River.Townsend,Tennessee. Portrait composition.IMG_1905Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30

I composed a few different orientations of this particular image because it was really surreal and very moving. It also had a honest calmness about it and I wanted to be able to tell the story without leaving anything out. It is easy to try to tell the whole story in one image but you usually loose the meaning before you can even capture it. So I hope this compilation of images give you the viewer the true feeling of being there. even though you are not.

More Little River Run Images

The Smokey Mountains at Cades Cove. Townsend, Tennessee.IMG_19271Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30
Was able to catch the late afternoon sun behind my back when shooting this image,stopped down my lens to f/29 to achieve proper depth of field, used an off camera release,tripod and manual focus for a crisp, sharp image.. slight breeze and surprisingly cool temperatures.

Little River Run Images

Sunlight breaks through the forest onto the Little River.Townsend,Tennessee.Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x2420x30

Captured this image just as the light pushed its way through the dense canopy of the smokey mountains. It brought a beautiful golden sheen to the river below and a lot of contrast. I climbed down a little ways to the river floor in surprisingly cold water to capture this shot.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tennessee Little River shoot.

Made it to Townsend, Tennessee for a landscape shoot, I didn't have a lot of time to shoot today but was able to make the best of it. very sunny today, most of the lighting was harsh so I had to make adjustments and wait for the sun to change position for the images I wanted to capture...worked out ok..should have the images up this week. The two photos above were captured with a blackberry lol

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Off to Townsend,Tennessee !!! landscape shoot!!!(and R&R) LOL check back for new images!!!

The Neck Revisited. was back to Harris Neck wildlife reservation Friday morning for another try at MR. Osprey. This is where a lot of photographers say enough is enough! Its hard for most to understand just what wildlife photographers go through to acquire the images needed. I sat up at the edge of a creek partially hidden by the marsh and trees,and waited for the osprey that I have seen here twice before. Unfortunately after hours of waiting, he was again a no-show. As most Raptors are very sensitive to human interaction, I took great care not to give away my position. While waiting, a wood stork showed up to roost on a dead tree overlooking the marsh and I was able to capture some really nice images. So I made the best of what looked like a bleak situation after all...more images to come!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cattle Egret Stalking his prey

Cattle Egret Stalking his preyHarris Neck Wildlife Refuge. Georgia.IMG_13966Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x24

Captured this image in a field, this Cattle Egret was easing through the tall grass and seed-heads looking for insects. absolutely beautiful bird, often seen around cattle, horses and even behind tractors cutting crass in large fields.

New Heron Photograph.

Green-Backed HeronHarris Neck Wildlife Refuge. Georgia.IMG_14941Available Sizes for print:8x1212x1816x24
The weather was not cooperating last weekend at all but I managed to capture this image just before the hard rain set in and sent me back to my truck.
I had been watching this particular bird since daylight and captured many frames as he worked himself into range. He also had an unusual maroon sheen to his plumage that I have not seen so far this year. He was catching small frogs and insects and was very proficient at doing so, making every stab of his bill count.