Ron Hutchinson Photography

Ron Hutchinson Photography
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Friday, November 19, 2010

White-Tailed Beauty

White-tailed deer mom and daughter standing at the edge of a pond.Skidaway Island State Park. Savannah, GARHP_4655
MAMA WITH HER FAWN. the fawn has lost all of her white spots they have now turned brown and faded. She will be mature enough to mother her own next year.

MAMA ON WATCH. Keeping a watchful eye as her young wanders away from her. Mom is not quite as nervous now that the fawn is now about 4 to 5 months old but she will still bolt alerting her young at the first hint of danger. I was on the other side of the pond in complete camo from head to toe, including camera, lens and tripod, but she still keep checking me out to make sure i wasn't a threat.

WAITING ON A WOMAN. This small rack eight-point buck came in shortly after the Doe and fawn left. The rut is in, and things are starting to get heated up in the woods of South Georgia. But here at Skidaway Island the buck to doe ratio is severely skewed towards the doe's so there isn't much of a rut in this area. As a matter of fact several people have even reported seeing newborns two to three weeks ago. that means the doe's will come into heat very late again.

CROSSING. This yearling doe decided to cross the pond instead of going around it. She crossed about 100 yards down from where I was set-up. I think this might be the one that came up behind me and spooked me lol...because it wasn't very long after she crossed until it happened.

This is a gallery very close to my heart. I have been a deer nut since I was knee high to a grasshopper lol. I have studied these animals for a number of years extensively. This gallery is a small part to make up the whole "The Elusive" Fine Art portfolio. I have been working on this for about a year now and when I have all the images that I want, the ones that will tell the story of this beautiful animal and its life journey, it will then be complete. Many, many hours of studying, stalking, patiently waiting, braving the weather, and at many times, not even seeing a single deer have helped and continue to help make this happen. I am looking forward to getting it finished so that I can share it with you.
Alot of the images in this gallery are of Doe's, I want to save the boyz lol until the portfolio is finished.
All of these images are of wild deer, most of which I was hunkered down in full camo for hours, and trying not to get winded in the good sniff of human and seeee ya!!! they are outa there, off with their white tails a flagging all the while blowing and making a scene.

While I was set-up on one occasion, I had a doe sneak up right behind me and when I heard a noise and turned my head slowly she blew loudly and bolted...I think in that instance she spooked me worse that I did her lol.

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