Ron Hutchinson Photography

Ron Hutchinson Photography
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Duck shoot a wrap for this week!!

Here are some mobile pics of the duck shoot this weekend... I hope to have the images processed and up this week.
It was a very good weekend...lots of wildlife showed up at my location, got some great captures. The Hooded Mergansers were in the pond where I was at and white-tailed deer also showed up to lend a hand. beautiful mornings added to the compositions and was awesome! This is why I do what I do, for days like this weekend. Sitting in a tick infested swamp in 30 degree weather with a camera and tripod is most likely not on most peoples to do list. But when I reap the pleasure's of watching the sun rise over the water and treetops, having a bald eagle swoop down for the kill as it skims the water for fish right over my head, and watching as a doe cleans her yearling's face or Merganser drakes fight over a popular female in the group, I know that this is God's work and I am blessed to be in the moment...knowing that this is where I am supposed to be...priceless.

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