Ron Hutchinson Photography

Ron Hutchinson Photography
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mr Osprey finally shows himself !!

An Osprey fly's high above the South Newport River in search of fish.Eulonia,GAIMG_399338x1212x1816x2420x30

An osprey is capable of reaching speeds of about 40 miles an hour while flying. They are primarily fish hunters and will dive straight down into the water toward their prey, reaching speeds of nearly 80 mph! Just before hitting the water they pull up, plunging in talons first, the unlucky fish that ventured too close to the water's surface has no warning.

Finally!!! after a lot of long hours and hard work I finally managed to get him to pose for me close enough to get a nice composition. It happened about 4:30 Sunday afternoon...I waited for the rain to clear out and set up a about four hours prior to this. he made a high pass earlier circling the river for fish then left. I had all but given up hope and was preparing to leave for the afternoon when he came out of nowhere... I only had seconds to!!! it was exciting!!!


  1. Thanks!!!! yes it was very much so!! when he flew by me he turned his head and locked eyes with me for a split was awesome!
